Dyslexia Guide for Mainstream EAL Classroom Teachers
Unlocking the Potential of EAL Learners with Dyslexia Imagine a classroom where every child’s learning needs are met […]
Dyslexia Guide for Mainstream EAL Classroom Teachers VIEW
Unlocking the Potential of EAL Learners with Dyslexia Imagine a classroom where every child’s learning needs are met […]
Dyslexia Guide for Mainstream EAL Classroom Teachers VIEW
A Cross-Case analysis of British Schools Overseas (BSO) and Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) settings. This study is an investigation into examples of good practice language support strategies found in two differing EAL educational settings in Spain. Through a qualitative research lens, data was collated, validated and cross-referenced with the aim of identifying similar good practice techniques occurring across settings. Data demonstrates a wide range of support strategies implemented by teachers daily. As reflective teachers reveal the need for more peer support, communication and tailored training for teachers in EAL educational settings in Spain. Findings of this research, it is hoped, may lead to more effective communication between dissimilar methodological approaches to language learning, for improved teacher support and development.